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Category: Liferay
Published: Monday, 23 February 2015 09:00
Hits: 6414
Who uses Liferay Service Builder knows that it's possible to generate both a local services layer, ie callable by the local JVM, and a remote services layer, that is accessible from a remote JVM typically via web services (REST or SOAP).
The default behaviour is that all methods found in the *ServiceImpl
class will be exposed as a web service ones; so let's see how to prevent a single method to be exposed as a service.
Read more: Don't expose a Liferay REST service
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Category: Liferay
Published: Sunday, 28 December 2014 17:19
Hits: 8294
Liferay allows you to create different types of plugins (portlets, hook, theme, ...) and each of these has its own specific folder inside the SDK.
But there is a kind of plugin, that does not produce a WAR file to deploy, but it is extremely useful because it allows you to create distributable and reusable libraries: it's the shared plugin, and now we'll see how to create and use it.
Read more: How to use Liferay shared plugin